Giving Our Burdens to God

I had a dream recently where I was traveling with a friend and decided I wanted to add more shoes to my already overflowing bag. As I tried to stuff the shoes in the bag, it just wasn’t working. The extra shoes added way more pounds to the bag, and wouldn’t allow the zipper to…

Read more Giving Our Burdens to God

Kindness is not People Pleasing

One day recently, I had a dream that I kept saying yes to people, and it turned out detrimental to my mental health. Before this dream, I remember being so concerned with kindness. But kindness, for me, equated to people pleasing and avoiding all conflict. After that dream, something just clicked, and I realized that…

Read more Kindness is not People Pleasing

Sin Doesn’t Disqualify Us

Whenever I feel that God is calling me to do something, I get nervous. I think about how unfit I am, how I’m not as knowledgeable as I can be, how I sin, etc. One day as I was wrestling with these fears, I thought, well, even if all these things are true, that doesn’t…

Read more Sin Doesn’t Disqualify Us

Created on Purpose

Yet you, Lord, are our Father.     We are the clay, you are the potter;     we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8 NIV You were created on purpose for a purpose. We are vessels to get God’s will out, and how beautiful and miraculous it is that He would choose us specifically to…

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Jesus Is For You Too

I just want to pause for a second and present the Gospel (the good news of God) to those who have never accepted Jesus, and to those who believe in God, but are not 100% sure they are going to heaven at the end of this life. God loves you so much and wants to…

Read more Jesus Is For You Too

Fears of the Future

I’ve been feeling slightly nervous/anxious lately about the future. With all the political tension, frequent violence, war preparations, etc… it’s been hard to watch and read the news without feeling that something is about to happen. Recently, as I began feeling overwhelmed by these fears of the future, I knew I needed to go to…

Read more Fears of the Future